Sunday, May 29, 2022

Residents in Oakham and Barleythorpe have voted in favour of a Neighbourhood Plan for their areas, following a referendum on Thursday 26 May 2022. Poor Turnout 12.7%.

Residents in Oakham and Barleythorpe have voted in favour of a Neighbourhood Plan for their areas, following a referendum on Thursday 26 May 2022. Poor Turnout  12.7%.

The number of people who voted ‘Yes’ in response to the referendum question was 987 (76.28%). The number voted ‘No’ was 307 (23.72%). Total turnout for the referendum was 12.7%.

It is unbelievable that this plan has been adopted.

It has very little input from residents and none from Oakham Town Council.

The original chairman of the steering group resigned along with any other female who was involved.

The second chairman was a Oakham Town Councillor who was booted off the steering group for being sexiest and a bully to woman.

It has taken five years+ to produce the plan for all the wrong reasons. Originally a Mayor of Oakham Alf Dewis decided there was no need for a plan. Then he found out if there was an adopted plan Oakham Town Council would receive a cut of developers contributions and pressure from a few members of the public at a town meeting.

Oakham Town Council refused to apply for grants to produce the plan and Barleythorpe Parish Council did not pay a penny towards the cost of the plan and often did not send anyone to steering group meetings.
