Monday, February 27, 2023

Beware of Falling Branches in Cutts Close Oakham Rutland, Oakham Town Councils Neglect

Beware of Falling Branches in Cutts Close Oakham Rutland, Oakham Town Councils Neglect 

Since around 2016 Oakham Town Council has failed to maintain the trees, within the parks it is responsible for.

Over the last few year the incidents of tree falls and high branch falls have increased.

Oakham Town Council is aware of all the issues and is doing nothing to stop further incidents.

The council is used to spend thousands of pound on reports, the last I remember was one for trees around Willow Crescent allotments. No work was actioned following the production of that report. Years on that area is still an issue for neighbouring residents, those tree were discussed again this month.

It is not a case of insufficient funds, every year Oakham Town Council takes £10,000 + from residents for tree maintenance and just like the the play equipment in parks, they only take action when it falls apart. They only pay to remove fallen trees. They are a reactive council, rather than a provocative council.  

Before 2016 the trees in Cutts Close were inspected annually and maintained properly, they were regularly reduced in height I think that is called pollarding. They only removed the growth from the base of the trees this year after receiving complaints.

A tree and a very large branch fell by the shelter where people sit, both incidents happened within the last year adding to the growing list. It is just pure luck that no one has yet been injured or killed.

Below is a image of part of a branch that fell from the a very high height this weekend. Imagine if that had hit some one.

A report Oakham Town Councils neglect and photographs of past incidents is currently with the HSE.

I am sure Oakham Town Council does not really want to see headline in the press like this one?

Parents live with 'huge hole' as council fined over death of their child killed by falling tree


Newcastle City Council had failed to identify the extent of the decay or to manage the risk posed by the tree.

Newcastle City Council pleaded guilty to breaching section 3(1) of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and was fined £280,000 and ordered to pay costs of £8,020 by South Tyneside Magistrates on 10 January 2023.