Saturday, March 25, 2023

Former Oakham Town Cllr Jean Denyer MBE refuses to sign documents for the Town Council and HSBC Bank

Former Oakham Town Cllr Jean Denyer MBE refuses to sign documents for the Town Council and HSBC Bank

Almost two years ago the external auditor told Oakham Town Council they should close the Mayors Charity account.
The account has never been properly accounted for. It did not show in the town councils accounts.
In a recent attempt to close the account, that has incurred monthly charges Jean is required to sign papers for the council and the bank. Jean has refused to sign the papers.

Oakham Town Council is farcically. They still hold £60,000 of 106 money in the Cambridge Building Society and can not access it due to problems with account signatories. 

A member of the public asked me a good question yesterday, why has the Town Council increased the precept by nearly 15% this year when they are sitting on around £250,000 of reserves. The answer is because as pointed out in the recent audit they don't know how to budget correctly.