Friday, March 24, 2023

Rutland County Council Notice of Election, Election of Town and Parish Councillors 4th May 2023.

 Rutland County Council Notice of Election, Election of Town and Parish Councillors 4th May 2023.

Rutland County Council elections - 4 May 2023

We will not know which county wards will be contested until nominations close on 4 April 2023.

Elections will only be held in contested wards - wards where there are more candidates nominated than there are seats available.

Rutland County Council will publish the Statement of Persons Nominated by no later than 4pm on 5 April 2023 - this will show the nominations received for each ward.

Election Notices

Notices relating to these elections will be published below, starting with the Notice of Election for County wards:

Uncontested wards will not have an election on 4 May - Rutland County Council will publish a notice of Result of Uncontested Election for these.

Nomination packs for Candidates

Nomination packs are now available for candidates wishing to stand in May. 

Contact the elections team to request a pack: elections@rutland.gov.uk  or call 01572 720954.


If your ward is contested, to vote in the election you must be   registered to vote  by midnight on Monday 17 April 2023.

If you want to vote in a polling station, you will need to produce valid photo ID - find out more about voter ID on the Electoral Commission website

People who are unable to use the internet can contact the elections team for information about voter ID: elections@rutland.gov.ukor call 01572 720954.

Find your polling station

Postal and postal proxy voting

If the election is contested,  Rutland County Council  must receive your postal vote application by 5pm on Tuesday 18 April 2023 to vote by post,

If your proxy wants to vote by post, you must appoint them before they can apply to vote by post - make sure you leave enough time for this. The deadline for them to apply to vote by post as a proxy is 5pm on Tuesday 18 April 2023.

If contested, postal votes will be sent out on or around 14 April 2023.

From 27 April 2023, you can email elections@rutland.gov.uk or call the elections team if your postal vote:

  • is lost
  • is damaged - you'll need to return your damaged postal vote and bring proof of your identity to collect the replacement
  • has been stolen
  • has not arrived

If you want to cancel your postal vote, you'll need to put this in writing to us (including a wet ink signature) by 5pm on Tuesday 18 April 2023, or you will not be able to vote at your polling station. You can either:

  • post your cancellation request to: Elections, Rutland County Council, Catmose, Oakham, Rutland LE15 6HP
  • scan and email your cancellation request to: elections@rutland.gov.ukrequest a cancellation form: call 01572 720954

Proxy voting

If the election is contested,  Rutland County Council  must receive your applicationby 5pm on Tuesday 25 April 2023 to vote by proxy.

To change or cancel your proxy, you must email elections@rutland.gov.ukor call the elections team on 01572 720954 by 5pm on 18 April 2023. If you do not change or cancel your proxy vote by this date, your proxy will not be able to vote on your behalf at a polling station if the election is contested.