Wednesday, April 05, 2023

Election of Councillors to Parish Council Braunston-in-Rutland Parish UNCONTESTED 2023

Election of Councillors to Parish Council Braunston-in-Rutland Parish UNCONTESTED 2023

In my opinion Parish councils are the pointless lowest level of local government.

ALLEN, Peter Francis

Brookside, 4 Wood Lane, Braunston in

Rutland, LE15 8QZ

ATACK, Jim Barn End, High Street, Braunston,

Oakham, LE15 8QU

BEADMAN, Richard Gordon

3 Ratts Lane, Braunston in Rutland,

LE15 8QW

BICHARD, Christopher Ian

Brook Villa, 8 Wood Lane, Braunston,

Oakham, LE15 8QZ

ELLIS, Jane Elizabeth Newton (address in Rutland)

HARRY, John Ernest

22A Knossington Road, Braunston,

Oakham, Rutland, LE15 8QX

SMITH, Emlyn Andrew

Snowdrop Cottage, 8 Knossington

Road, Braunston-in-Rutland, LE15 8QX