Thursday, December 28, 2023

Historic Stone Wall Tumbles at The Old Judges House, Oakham, Rutland - Boxing Day Storm Wreaks Havoc

Historic Stone Wall Tumbles at The Old Judges House, Oakham - Boxing Day Storm Wreaks Havoc

Oakham, Rutland - 28th December 2023 - The Boxing Day storm, a potent winter tempest that battered the UK over the Christmas weekend, left its mark on Oakham in a dramatic fashion. A section of the historic stone wall surrounding The Old Judges House, a Grade II listed building dating back to the 17th century, was brought down by the ferocious winds.

The iconic wall, constructed of honey-coloured Rutland stone, had stood for centuries, silently witnessing the passage of time and the changing fortunes of Oakham. Its collapse, however, serves as a stark reminder of the destructive power of nature.

Local residents woke up to the sight of the fallen wall on Tuesday morning, debris scattered across the grounds of The Old Judges House. The extent of the damage is still being assessed, but initial reports suggest that a significant portion of the wall has been compromised.

"It's a real shame to see such a historic piece of Oakham come down," remarked a local resident who lives near The Old Judges House. "The wall was a familiar landmark, and it added so much character to the area. I hope it can be rebuilt soon."

The Old Judges House itself, appears to have sustained no major damage from the collapsed wall. 

The collapse of the wall has also ignited discussions about the importance of preserving Oakham's rich heritage. The town boasts numerous historical buildings and landmarks, each with its own unique story to tell. The Boxing Day storm serves as a wake-up call for the community to ensure that these treasures are protected for future generations.

As the community grapples with the aftermath of the storm, the fallen wall of The Old Judges House stands as a poignant symbol of the delicate balance between history and nature. The task now lies in rebuilding the wall, not just with stone and mortar, but also with a renewed commitment to safeguarding Oakham's heritage for generations to come.

Boxing Day Blowdown: Bins Take Flight in Oakham's Stormy Night

The Boxing Day storm wasn't just a blustery inconvenience for Oakham residents; it was a full-blown bin-tastic bonanza! Fierce winds sent wheelie bins pirouetting through the streets like runaway ballerinas, leaving a trail of rubbish and bewildered homeowners in their wake.

Social media was abuzz with photos and videos of the bin-tastic ballet, with residents sharing their own hilarious encounters with the renegade receptacles. One resident, posted a video of their bin gracefully gliding down the street, accompanied by the caption: "My bin is having more fun than I am tonight!"

The council has assured residents that their bin-retrieval elves are hard at work, rounding up the scattered wheelie bins and restoring order to the streets. But for now, Oakham residents can enjoy a chuckle at the expense of their wayward bins, a reminder that even the most mundane objects can take flight in the face of Mother Nature's fury.

Tumbling Tributes: Garden Ornament Takes a Tumble in Stormy Oakham

The Boxing Day storm wasn't just unkind to bins; it also took a swipe at a beloved garden ornament in Oakham. A resident shared a photo of their precious gnome, one of a pair dedicated to town councillor Joyce Lucas BEM, lying sadly on the ground.

The gnomes, known as Joyce and Bob, were a familiar sight in the town, a cheerful tribute to a much-loved local figure. Their tumble in the storm has touched the hearts of Oakham residents, who have rallied online to express their concerns and shared their memories of Joyce.

"Those gnomes have always brought a smile to my face," wrote one resident. "It's so sad to see one of them down, but I know Joyce would be the first to laugh it off. She was a force of nature herself, and I'm sure she'd understand."

The fate of Joyce is still unknown, The resident vowed to do whatever it takes to get her back on her feet. "They're more than just ornaments," they wrote. "They're a reminder of Joyce's kindness and spirit. We'll get them back up there, just as strong as ever."