Friday, February 16, 2024

Leicester February 2024, Leicester: A City Divided

Leicester: A City Divided

I have  mixed feelings about Leicester. Having once enjoyed visiting the city, I am disappointed by the changes that make the city feel less safe in recent times. 

Granby Street situation, with its very long, ongoing construction and visible social problems, paints a stark picture of a gateway failing to live up to its name. The presence of aggressive panhandlers, street drinkers, and drug users creates an unsettling atmosphere, I almost miss the feeling of increased safety associated with the armed Leicestershire police presence during past visits.

The cacophony of competing voices around the clock tower, from religious groups to protestors, adds another layer of sensory overload to the experience. While freedom of expression is vital, it can make for an overwhelming environment. 

The Highcross shopping centre might served as a peaceful haven.