Wednesday, June 19, 2024

James Moore Liberal Democrat Candidate for Rutland and Stamford 4th July 2024 Election Communication Leaflet

James Moore Liberal Democrat Candidate for Rutland and Stamford 4th July 2024 Election Communication Leaflet 

This leaflet has been delivered twice this week to my home, by the Royal Mail.

The Royal Mail in my opinion, is the worst company to use to deliver any leaflet. 

Leaflets are only delivered to house with post. 

If you don't receive post, you are unlikely to ever see a leaflet a company has paid the Royal Mail to deliver.

Only the other week, I had 7 Ocado leaflets posted through my door and many more were dumped in my wheelie bin. 

Anyway enough of that here is the Liberal Democrat leaflet for those who have not yet received one.