Thursday, June 06, 2024

Leicestershire Police Constable Oliver Platts, Faces Gross Misconduct Hearing

Leicestershire Police Constable Oliver Platts, Faces Gross Misconduct Hearing

Leicestershire police constable Oliver Platts will be facing a misconduct hearing on Wednesday, June 12th, 2024, at 10 am. The constable is accused of gross misconduct for allegedly accessing confidential police systems without proper authorization on 11 separate occasions in June 2023.

The allegations claim the officer searched and accessed these systems without a legitimate policing purpose or lawful authority. This behavior is considered a breach of several professional standards, including:

Discreditable Conduct: The officer's actions allegedly damaged the reputation of the Leicestershire Police force.

Confidentiality: The constable is accused of compromising confidential police information.

Orders and Instructions: The officer allegedly disregarded established protocols for accessing police systems.

If proven, these allegations constitute gross misconduct, the most serious category of police disciplinary offenses. The hearing is expected to last for two days.

Public Access:

Leicestershire Police hearings are open to the public, allowing anyone over 18 to attend [Leicestershire Police Misconduct Hearings]. Seating is allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.


Importance of the Hearing:

This hearing highlights Leicestershire Police's commitment to holding officers accountable for their actions and maintaining public trust. The outcome of the hearing will determine the appropriate disciplinary action, if any.