Thursday, August 15, 2024

A fun day out at Whipsnade Zoo, A Roaming Adventure, Dunstable, Bedfordshire.

A fun day out at Whipsnade Zoo, Dunstable, Bedfordshire.

Whipsnade Zoo: A Roaming Adventure

Whipsnade Zoo is a fantastic day out, offering plenty of opportunities to get your steps in while exploring the animal kingdom. There's a wonderful variety of creatures to see, from the majestic to the quirky. Unfortunately, the big cats seemed to be enjoying a well-deserved nap, making them a little elusive.

The zoo is beautifully situated with stunning views over Dunstable Downs, making it a perfect spot for a picnic. If you prefer not to pack your own food, there's a good selection of eateries dotted around the site.

A particular highlight was the penguin enclosure and the charming little steam train. However, finding your way around could be a challenge as the site isn't always clearly signposted.

Overall, Whipsnade Zoo is a great place to spend a day, but be prepared for a lot of walking and keep your eyes peeled for those sleepy big cats!


The Bear

Crowned Pigeons in the Butterfly Enclosure


Dunstable Downs



Watching the preparation of lunch

One of the baby Giraffes is nearly two weeks old
and the other six weeks.





Penguins and Ducks


Steam Train

Whipsnade Central Station

Lion Poo

Other Poo at the Zoo

There are gift shops

Sleepy Lion

Wild Boar 
