Saturday, September 28, 2024

Heidelburg Materials: A Positive Update on Environmental Performance and Community Engagement (Video)

Heidelburg Materials: A Positive Update on Environmental Performance and Community Engagement

Rutland County Council received a positive report at its recent meeting from its representative, Cllr Payne on the Heidelburg Materials (Ketton) Liaison Committee. The report highlighted the company's commitment to environmental sustainability, community engagement, and ongoing investments in its operations.

Key points from the report included:

Increased cement demand: The growing demand for housing and infrastructure is expected to drive an increase in cement production.

Reduced emissions: Heidelburg has significantly reduced emissions through the use of synthetic fuels and is investing in further measures to eliminate coal use completely by 2025.

Operational efficiency: The company has experienced minimal production downtime and continues to generate solar power on-site.

Community engagement: Heidelburg has supported community initiatives in Tinwell and Ketton, including CCTV installation and the Green Festival.

Environmental compliance: The Environment Agency confirmed the company's strong environmental performance and low emissions.

Carbon capture progress: The carbon capture trial is ongoing, with initial results showing promise.

Planning application update: The report provided an update on the status of Heidelburg's planning application.

Overall, the report painted a positive picture of Heidelburg Materials' operations and its commitment to environmental sustainability and community engagement. The company's ongoing investments and efforts to reduce its environmental impact are expected to benefit both the local community and the wider region.