Monday, September 23, 2024

Oakham School's Hedge Trim Reveals Old School Railings

Oakham School's Hedge Trim Reveals Old School Railings

The overgrown hedge, which had obscured the view of the old school railings, has been cut back, revealing a charming glimpse into the past.

For many years, the hedge had grown so dense that it was virtually impossible to see the railings beneath. This had caused inconvenience for pedestrians, especially those needing to use the handrail to navigate the steep slope. Local residents had raised concerns with the Town Council about the overgrown hedge, but despite their efforts, the issue remained unresolved for an extended period.

Finally, after a formal complaint was lodged, the Town Council took action to trim the hedge. However, even after the initial cut, the problem persisted as brambles continued to pose a hazard to pedestrians. It was then that the council made a surprising discovery: the hedge was not, in fact, their responsibility. After years of assuming ownership, they realised that the hedge belonged to Oakham School.

The ownership of the hedge facing the play area in Cutts Close remains a poin