Showing posts with label £15m WORTH of court house is “sitting nearly empty” in Loughborough. Show all posts
Showing posts with label £15m WORTH of court house is “sitting nearly empty” in Loughborough. Show all posts

Monday, August 18, 2014

Loughbourough Solicitor, David Leigh of Straw & Pearce, £15m WORTH of court house is “sitting nearly empty” in Loughborough

Loughbourough Solicitor, David Leigh of Straw & Pearce, £15m WORTH of court house is “sitting nearly empty” in Loughborough

Mr Leigh who has an office within a five minutes walk to the court house is moaning the building is underused.
He also states his clients often face arrest and end up being taken to court in Leicester by police, because they can't afford to travel to Leicester. Why does he not offer a free mini bus service for his clients?

I did not hear Mr Leigh complaining when Rutland and Melton lost it's court house and the hearings all transferred to Loughborough. Defendant's even if innocent as I was have to pay an absolute fortune to travel to Loughborough, so the option of  Leicester is less costly. Fortunately in my case an organisations discretionary fund paid for most of my train fares, many are not so lucky.