Showing posts with label A former town Councillor who resigned from the council sent a letter to be read out at the last meeting. The Clerk forgot to read it out. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A former town Councillor who resigned from the council sent a letter to be read out at the last meeting. The Clerk forgot to read it out. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 04, 2017

A former town Councillor who resigned from the council sent a letter to be read out at the last meeting. The Clerk forgot to read it out

A former town Councillor who resigned from the council sent a letter to be read out at the last meeting. The Clerk forgot to read it out,

Stan is now a member of the non democratic club know as the Oakham Town Partnership, run by shamed town councillor Alf Dewis and other who have resigned and have no understanding of the
meaning of partnership.

It is interesting that my old friend Stan only refers to one person in his letter, shame he did
not read the agenda item and see that it was brought by two members one of course like
so many cowardly withdrew at the last hour.

No one had the intention to bring the council down. the only people who will achieve that
is the old guard like Stan who won't accept much needed change at the town council which
the monitoring officer has said is not working.

The Clerk has now sent us Stan's letter:

Allison Greaves
   Reply all|
Wed 04/10/2017 00:35
Adam Lowe;
Anne Skipworth;
David Romney;
Joyce Lucas;
Martin Brookes;
Michael Haley;
Peter Ind;
Sally-Anne Wadsworth;
Paul Buxton
Jean Denyer;
Nick Woodley
Dear All

Regarding Septembers meeting,  I feel due to open and transparency, whilst this has no consequence as the proposal fell, I did state on my Clerks report that I would read out.  Therefore please see below correspondence I received:

From: Stan Stubbs Sent: 12 September 2017 15:40
To: Allison Greaves
Subject: OTC Agenda Item 25

Dear Allison,

As an ex-OTC councillor and now a member of the public I would like to express my support for Michael Haley and trust that members will support Michael in the vote of no confidence. I am aware that it is a certain members ambition to bring the council down, this will never happen.  I trust that the council will on the night make the correct decision and vote against the proposal.   

My Kind regards

Stan Stubbs