Showing posts with label Aldi Oakam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aldi Oakam. Show all posts

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Aldi Oakam, Planning Application, Local Comments Facebook Event Page.

Aldi Oakam, Planning Application, Local Comments Facebook Event Page.


  • Andy Bangs Can't help thinking if this was M&S or Waitrose we would not be having this discussion. As for office space old Ashwell Prison site fills that gap. This is council putting as much as possible in the way of Aldi getting plans past shame on them.
    15 hrs · Unlike · 1
  • Bow Trowell Tend to agree, like most Rutland residents I shop out of the county. 
    Oakham town is far from any use for day to day living. Our council have this view that the cheaper stores will lower the tone of our town, far from it. Our high street is of no use t
    o the average person living within the county. The few shops we do have are aimed at the high end price range, of no use or function to the average shopper,being over priced and for most of us, of no significant use.
    It's about time the old fudies sitting in our council chambers took a step aside, and some fresh faces drag this out dated county into the present, we need progress, we need jobs, using the excuse of business development is pure beuracracy, we have so many small business's start and fail due to the high cost of trading in this county, stop talking out of your back sides, and wake up. 40 jobs for local people is a bloody good start.
    But, like that that has already been stated, it's not a M&S, another store that we do not need, along with a petrol station that we do not need. Guess co op are no longer the flavour of the month.
    WAKE UP RUTLAND. turn up and be heard, it is our county, fight for it, I for one do not care how many of the overweight councillors on over inflated salaries vote against us, I and my friends want this, but Oakham NEEDS this.
    12 hrs · Unlike · 2