Showing posts with label Application to build 61 homes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Application to build 61 homes. Show all posts

Friday, July 12, 2013

Bellway Homes, Former Parks School Land off Barleythorpe Road, Application to build 61 homes, 18 Car Parking Spaces

Bellway Homes, Former Parks School Land off Barleythorpe Road, Application to build 61 homes
At Wednesday's Town Council meeting the council made no recommendations for or against the applications from Bellway Homes.

It never ceases to amaze me how this council continually fails to involve themselves in major applications that effect our town, what is the point of town council that has no teeth?

Although when they have got involved in the past history has shown them to look very stupid.

Just Like the time they said the agreed with Tesco's application to extend their car park
but refused their application to demolish a building in its way.

Former Parks School

Construction of 61 No. dwellings, garages and parking together with
associated roads and sewers, public open space and balancing lagoon
following demolition of existing buildings on site
Former Park School Land off Barleythorpe Road

Rutland County Council planning ref: APP/2013/0097

The above application will be considered by Oakham Town Council
this Wednesday evening

Bellway Home, Barleythorpe Road, Oakham, residences, 18 Car Parking Spaces

Victoria Hall Oakham Town Council

APP/2013/0096 Bellway Home

To construct 18 Car Parking Spaces in a parking court accessed from
Barleythorpe Road for use by residences in Barleythorpe Road
Former Park School Land off Barleythorpe Road

Oakham Town Council will be considering the above application
at this weeks council meeting.

Monday, July 08, 2013

Bellway Homes, Former Park School Land off Barleythorpe Road, Application to build 61 homes

Bellway Homes

Former Parks School

Construction of 61 No. dwellings, garages and parking together with
associated roads and sewers, public open space and balancing lagoon
following demolition of existing buildings on site
Former Park School Land off Barleythorpe Road

Rutland County Council planning ref: APP/2013/0097

The above application will be considered by Oakham Town Council
this Wednesday evening