Showing posts with label Black Friday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Black Friday. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Boycott Walmart, Black Friday, Raise the Minimum Wage

Boycott Walmart, Black Friday, Raise the Minimum Wage

People in America are being asked to boycott Walmart, due to staff pay and conditions.

With experience of working in retail myself here in the UK, I understand the high standards
expected from staff and the minimum wage paid in return for those high standards.

I was shocked to read employees in America's Walmart have to work on Thanks Giving Day, I believe from what American friends have told me this is a bigger day than Christmas day for most American families.

When I was employed by a large supermarket many years ago, I volunteered to work on  trial day, opening on boxing day, it only happened once the customers were so few.

Of course times have changed and I see that here in Oakham a huge demand for our local convenience store when it opens for a few hours on Christmas day.

If it were not for the law, I am sure large supermarket big bosses sitting at home eating their turkey and Christmas puddings would love to hear the jingle of their tills on Christmas day. (I know they have an annoying bleep these days)  Just as long as they could stay at home just as they do on a Saturday or Sunday.


As in the UK, Americans see the big chains effects on small shops
known as Mom & Pops