Showing posts with label Catmose Swimming Pool. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Catmose Swimming Pool. Show all posts

Friday, August 23, 2013

Catmose Swimming Pool, Oakham Still remains Closed?

From Tory Cabinet minutes Tory Deputy Leader Mr King confirmed
that there was no immediate need to close it, so why has the pool been

And why did the Council waste £44,000 on Sticky Back Plastic last year?


Catmose Swimming Pool
The Portfolio Holder for Finance, Property, Development Control, Planning Policy,
Economic Development and Tourism, Mr King, advised the Cabinet that following the
problems with the roof at Catmose Swimming Pool, a report on the various options
had been requested. As a result, a structural report had been urgently
commissioned. The report had been received today and it confirmed that the roof
had a number of structural faults. An announcement would be made that the
swimming pool would be temporarily closed at the end of today. Mr King confirmed
that there was no immediate need to close the swimming pool but it did need to close
at the earliest opportunity to enable full consideration of the options. Alternative
arrangements for the pool’s users was being looked at.

In the distances you can see the old Catmose sports hall still used by
the school because the Tories did not design the new hall suitable
for children to use.

The new hall is currently falling apart.