Showing posts with label Cautioned For Trolling MP Caroline Nokes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cautioned For Trolling MP Caroline Nokes. Show all posts

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Tim Price, Cautioned For Trolling MP Caroline Nokes. Local Establishment Family

Tim Price, Cautioned For Trolling MP Caroline Nokes. Local Establishment Family

I am not able to publish much more information about this Oakham man.

He has started to set his online profile to private.

I still can not understand why Leicestershire Police did refer his case to the CPS.

Afteral he was targeting a female tory MP.

Bearing in mind the local polices special relationship with the councils which resulted
in the police deciding to to prosecute a former town councillor for similar if not worse

I noticed this afternoon his family have shut down their online social media presence.

Before his brother shut down, I found he is an old Oakhamian and a former Barrister  of King Street Barristers Chambers Leicester he specialised in Corporate Governance and Planning Law. Before taking up employment at a rather quaint public school in Market Harborough.

Tim Price, Cautioned For Trolling MP Caroline Nokes, used Blogs to promote the sale of blow up dolls and other adults toys along with Rutland Married Swingers Club

Tim Price Rutland Man Cautioned For Trolling MP Caroline Nokes Says he is Sorry is He? He does not care what he says or posts.

Using his own Facebook account he posted on a farms page:


Tim Price

I hope every scum person at this farm gets cancer and a slow, lingering death.

Like ·  · about 6 months ago

Tim Price was a IT Trainer funded by government until they cut his funding,
he is a Blog Writer Self-employed cleaner living in Oakham.
Originally from East Leicestershire

His wife is a translator who was Trilingual Secretary for the
European Parliament

Tim Price contributed to Rutland On-line Notice Boards and Forum no surprise there.

His family are very well known in a village, his late mother fundraised for her local
church for many years, the last I heard the church was seeking permission to
replace a window in her memory.

Tim Price produces specialist adult blogs

Tim Price used blogs to promote the sale of blow up dolls
and other adults toys along  with Rutland Swinging Clubs.

Since a National Media Group unlike the local press
published his name he has been attempting to have a
clean up of his internet presence.


He posted links to those on various facebook groups like Rutland & Stamford Mum
and Dads

All the blogs have been deleted in the last few days links remain on various
sites like Facebook.

If this man Trolls and is an IT expert, I wonder if the sites claiming
to supply these item actually do supply the goods people order or is it
a scam?

I think Mr Price reads my blog because he has deleted the disgusting
comment from the farm facebook page.