died his son Conservative Councillor Nick Begy and his wife are launching a second
attempt to have a fund raising ball for a Trust Fund set up in memory of Roger Begy.
Last year they could not sell enough tickets and the planned ball was cancelled.
This year the tickets a are cheaper £45 each.
The following post on the Trust Facebook page surprises me
Roger Begy Memorial Trust
NEWS FLASH: RBMT are sponsoring the rugby county cup QF v local rivals Melton!!! Date is Feb 4th with England game to follow. Come and support. Match is at Oakham Rugby Club.
The reason it surprises me is the trust has taken money from people mainly those who attend
Roger's funeral for the two main reasons published in the local press. No mention of supporting
adult sports.
The charity will have two aims– firstly to give either full or partial grants to children to help with either school tuition or additional equipment and books; and secondly to help young people up to the age of 21 secure apprenticeship opportunities if they are not going into further education.
Read more at: http://www.rutland-times.co.uk/news/charity-ball-in-memory-of-former-rutland-county-council-leader-roger-begy-1-7760911
The Trust has set up a Just Giving Page
We have set up the Roger Begy Memorial Trust to help fund young people to meet their potential. Whether this be in further education, taking on an apprenticeship, following a sporting or artistic dream, our aim is no Rutland youngster should not reach their potential due to the lack of financial support.
From Spring 2017 we hope to give out our first awards and publicise the fund across the county. This is Rutland Trust for Rutland people.
"He fought tirelessly for the education and future of the young people of Rutland."
If the above comment is true why did nearly every school in Rutland not object to becoming
And why did Rutland Conservatives destroy post 16 education here in Rutland.
At one point under Roger's leadership the county nearly had no post 16 education
We currently don't have enough special needs school places and that could be blamed
on the Conservatives for failing to provide adequate places after they closed and flogged
of the Parks School for housing.
Going back to the Trust, Personally I think the Begy family would have received more
support if they had set up a local cancer charity. Schools have funds to help families who need
books or uniforms
Instead of ball they should employ Wrinkle Rock have a BBQ curry and beer at the Rugby Club and sell raffle tickets, No offence is meant but I do rather believe Roger was more happy down
at the Rugby Club than the Ball Room.