Showing posts with label Cllr Adam Lowe Oakham Town Communications Between Rutland County Council. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cllr Adam Lowe Oakham Town Communications Between Rutland County Council. Show all posts

Saturday, April 06, 2019

Cllr Adam Lowe Oakham Town Communications Between Rutland County Council, The Wall of Silence?

Cllr Adam Lowe Oakham Town Communications Between Rutland County Council, The Wall of Silence?

At the last Oakham Town Council meeting an attempt was made to change standing orders relating to email accounts once again.

During the discussion Cllr Adam Lowe also a Rutland County Council said if members sent emails that the office (the clerk and him) felt were inappropriate or offensive they would be greeted with the same wall of silence Rutland County Councillor currently experience.

Firstly I question what is going on? Why are Rutland County Councillor who write to Oakham Town Council being greeted by a wall of silence?

Secondly why do the member of Oakham Town Council not receive copies of all communications
address to the council? (the council is twelve members)

I have pointed out in the past that if anyone wants the council to know about any issue they should copy all members.

After the election I hope the majority is made up of the new Councillor many of them also being Rutland County Councillors will be able to break down this wall of silence so we can find out and contribute towards what effects our town.

At the same meeting Councillor added to our new strategic plan. As chairman of our council he has the privilege of holding regular meetings with Helen Briggs Rutland County Councils CEO.
Although he is representing us all as members he has never until this meeting shared anything from those meetings.
He told us Mrs Briggs had reviewed our new strategic plan and asked for something to be included.