Showing posts with label Cllr Charles Haworth Described by Judge Temperley as Homophobic won't resign. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cllr Charles Haworth Described by Judge Temperley as Homophobic won't resign. Show all posts

Sunday, February 02, 2014

Cllr Charles Haworth Described by Judge Temperley as Homophobic won't resign, Leicestershire Police won't act?

Cllr Charles Haworth Oakham Town Council 
former Deputy Mayor (Right)

Cllr Charles Haworth Described by Judge Temperley as Homophobic won't resign,
Leicestershire Police won't act even though they witnessed his lies in court.

There is evidence Cllr Haworth, and two ex Mayors Paul Beech, Jim Harrison and
Cllr Joyce Lucas, Cllr Gene Plews and others have all acted unlawfully over a period
of four years.

Rutland County Council standards as always says their conduct is fine, because it is
carried out in the Councillors personal capacity or they simply describe it as
political tit for tat. Those responses are no surprise when you consider Helen Briggs
is the Chief Executive.

I have received emails from a former Melton Borough Council employee which
show most of those named above shared news stories about stalking from the
first day I became a Town Councillor.

What I find strange is this evidence is widely circulated, but Leicestershire Police
said they found nothing on his two computers?

I am told Cllr Charles Haworth was happy to stalk and harass me with the knowledge
of Oakham Town Council and Rutland  County Council and some officers at Leicestershire
Police, but he did not want to get caught, is this why they shared the articles?

Looking at some of the links I would say he was also looking for stories so he could
use them, to fabricate lies to the police about me.

Leicestershire Police were told last year about a vital piece of evidence that would
link Cllr Haworth to many Blogs, Facebook Accounts and Twitter Accounts
used to attack me and other members of the public. Did they act No! Why?

Below is one example of a email sent to ex Mayors Jim Harrison and Paul Beech
(yes Beech takes the piss he is studying criminology at Leicester University)

From: charleshaworth@hotmail.co.uk
To: jim@jimharrisonphotographer.com; pb191@leicester.ac.uk;
Subject: Hmmm, food for thought...
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2010 12:36:51 +0100

Food for thought here....could it be a matter of presentation?


The Photo below reminds me
of a Oakham Police Sargent
now retired who did nothing
about my complaints back in 
the days he would meet with
Cllrs Haworth and Lucas on
the Police  Joint Action Group (JAG)

At Leicestershire Police we support
Homophobic Hate Crimes committed
by Oakham Town Councillor Haworth
and his associates! 

Haworth had argued in the trial his attacks on Brookes on his Laughing Stocks website were satirical.

But Judge Temperley said: ‘I don’t agree. Some of the material goes way beyond satire. They are crude and crass and homophobic.’

- See more at: http://www.gaystarnews.com/article/gay-blogger-threatened-and-branded-%E2%80%98pedophile%E2%80%99-challenging-politicians201013#sthash.BOA1otMH.dpuf


Those Rotten Boroughs Awards in full
Municipal mischief, Issue 1357
Runners-up Scarborough borough council threatened to close down a website, Real Whitby, which had carried embarrassing stories about councillors. Chief legal officer Lisa Dixon demanded that “defamatory and untrue” material be removed. Real Whitby asked for examples, but Dixon could not provide any. WinnersRutland county council, which set aside £90,000 of taxpayers’ money to seek an injunction against three of its own councillors (the “Rutland Anti-Corruption Party”) who had been asking awkward questions. The council tested the water by prosecuting another critic, blogger Martin Brookes, for “harassing and stalking” chief exec Helen Briggs. District judge John Temperley found Brookes not guilty, declaring: “Freedom of expression is an essential function of a democratic society. It is applicable also to those who offend and shock.” A hero on the bench!