Showing posts with label Cllr Joyce Lucas BEM Oakham Town Council Rutland Times 'Do As I Say Not As I Do'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cllr Joyce Lucas BEM Oakham Town Council Rutland Times 'Do As I Say Not As I Do'. Show all posts

Sunday, February 03, 2019

Cllr Joyce Lucas BEM Oakham Town Council Rutland Times 'Do As I Say Not As I Do'

Cllr Joyce Lucas BEM Oakham Town Council Rutland Times 'Do As I Say Not As I Do'

I was sent this newspaper article by a member of the public who still purchases the Rutland Times.
The sender points out the last comment made by Oakham Town Cllr Joyce Lucas BEM.
and  added the comment  'Do As I Say Not As I Do'

I could not agree more, how can such an unkind person write such a comment?

'let all you do be done with love'

I wonder if she signs of her letters to a certain company CEO  with 'love'?

I don't purchase the Rutland Times anymore mainly due to the poor content often provided by
Cllr Joyce Lucas or Cllr Adam Lowe.

I sometimes take a glance of the content at work,  nothing has improved since Iliffe Media Publishing Ltd took ownership of the paper. When they purchased the paper they boasted they employed the services of real journalists, I think they forgot they own the Rutlland Times, real journalists would not write the rubbish dished up by Cllr Joyce Lucas BEM.

 'Do As I Say Not As I Do'