Showing posts with label Cllr Joyce Lucas Oakham Town Council Concerns for her well being. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cllr Joyce Lucas Oakham Town Council Concerns for her well being. Show all posts

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Cllr Joyce Lucas Oakham Town Council Concerns for her well being

Cllr Joyce Lucas Oakham Town Council Concerns for her well being

At last nights council meeting Cllr Joyce Lucas behave rather strangely

Pulling strange faces and exaggerated smiling at me throughout the meeting,

Reviewing part of the recording I noticed I had caught one of those incidents shown in
the video clip above she was not paying attention to most of what was going on in the meeting.

She also timed my deputation and pointed out to the chairman when she
believed I had gone over time.

At the end of the meeting we were treated to a long muddled comment.

A few weeks before Cllr Lucas ranted at me claiming she and her
doctor had decided, I was responsible for her current poor mental health.
Due to a complaint I made about her conduct four years ago.

I am not sure why Cllr Lucas did not retire.

We have bunting and flags flying in the town "because it looks nice
and we can put it up"

Cllr Lucas did not seek the consent of any other councillor.

What is she going to do next, has she forgot the rule Councillors
can not make decisions or do anything on their own?

I think Council meetings are going to be fun.

In the video clip below Cllr Lucas in her capacity as tree warden
gives expert advice and recommends a second tree is felled.

She could not find a report and just said "as far as I am concerned
it can be felled"

She then returns to the previous agenda item which had already
been dealt with. The Mayor asked her to pause so the members
could vote.

Then somehow the twinning of a Rutland Village with Paris
became relevant to her comment.

I think she was attempting to point out the improper nature
of the applicants demand, I think they gave the council a
date to respond if that date passed then they would assume
permission was granted.

A similar style of the demand sent to Paris some years
ago by the parish council of Whissendine.