Showing posts with label Cllr Michael Haley Oakham Town Council Mayor 'is mad'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cllr Michael Haley Oakham Town Council Mayor 'is mad'. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Cllr Michael Haley Oakham Town Council Mayor 'is mad'

Cllr Michael Haley Oakham Town Council Mayor 'is mad'

It is hard to believe that Cllr Michael Haley once stood for Rutland County Council claiming
he would seek openness and transparency. None of which she has shown whilst serving as
an Oakham Town Councillor.

I am one of the few Councillors who stands up to Cllr Haley publicly and I get a lot of crap
for it.

Cllr Haley is a bully.

Many other Cllrs send me emails and messages venting there disapproval of his ways.

But when they were given the opportunity to address the issues they remained silent
and one the biggest idiots even suggested the recent proposal for a vote of no confidence should be against me and not the chairman.

Cllr Lucas supported the motion but at the last hour she retracted her support and apologised
to the chairman and his wife?

Despite the silence in the last meeting as the proposal fell, members are still complaining
about Cllr Haley's conduct and in a recent message received he is described as mad.
Which I am minded to consider, because Haley will deny saying anything even when
there is a audio recording of the meeting.

The Blue boxed text is mine and the grey boxed text is from
another member of Oakham Town Council.

I am not asking those members to stand up in a meeting and say
the horrible bully is mad, I am just asking they stand up say they
don't agree with something instead of just sitting there and saying