Showing posts with label Cllr Stan Stubbs Oakham Town Councillor Assaults Rutland Mercury Photographer During East Midlands In Bloom Judging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cllr Stan Stubbs Oakham Town Councillor Assaults Rutland Mercury Photographer During East Midlands In Bloom Judging. Show all posts

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Cllr Stan Stubbs Oakham Town Councillor Assaults Rutland Mercury Photographer During East Midlands In Bloom Judging

Cllr Stan Stubbs Oakham Town Councillor Assaults Rutland Mercury Photographer During East Midlands In Bloom Judging

East Midlands In Bloom judge’s tour of Oakham has become quite a dangerous pastime
thanks to the conduct of Oakham Town Councillor Stan Stubbs who told me "that is something
for your blog" I thank him for his consent to report the disgusting bullies conduct.

The day started with him objecting to me protesting by displaying a banner at the point when
the judges met Oakham Town Council. I don't have an issue with his objection that is his right
as is it is my right to carry out a lawful peaceful protest.

My banner read Oakham Mayor Stop Bullying. Cllr Lucas called me "a stupid little man"

When the Judges met volunteers at the peacock a photographer from the Rutland Mercury
had arrived and was preparing a shot for the paper, I was astonished and shocked to
observe the conduct of Cllr Stubbs as he assaulted the photographer by shoving into
him with some considerable force and aggressively stating he was the official photographer.

I have never seen anything like the conduct of Cllr Stan Stubbs and I am sure the East Midlands
Judges have never seen anything like it.

Fortunately violence of this nature is rare here in Oakham.  Cllr Stan Stubbs often tells us how
they do things down south!

Later on I sent a text to the photographer and received the following response:

"he physically moved me to the right and spoiled the shot"