Showing posts with label Cllrs Lowe and Lucas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cllrs Lowe and Lucas. Show all posts

Monday, October 27, 2014

Promotion of Oakham, Working Group, Oakham Town Council, Cllrs Lowe and Lucas

Promotion of Oakham, Working Group, Oakham Town Council, Cllrs Lowe and Lucas

Oakham Town Council Promotion of Oakham working group?

At public deputation I raised the failings of this group they have brought about nothing new.

Expensive parties in the park for the old guard, costly pencils and postcards, very expensive gazebos
which they don't want to use any longer. Cllr Lucas suggesting they retreat back into the council chamber at event such as late night shopping.

Many Councillors don't want to appear in public and in the past that duty has always fallen
to the worst examples of a councillor, former Haworth and Cllr Lucas. Cllr Lucas is never
to keen to hear what the public has to say always insisting the listen and do as she says would
prefer to return to the chamber unchallenged sharing a bottle of wine and a mince pie with the
old guard. Fortunately it appears those days are vanishing. Cllr Dewis saying you need a purpose
it's about more than just sharing a glass of sherry and a mince pie!

I also agree with his comment "always the same old groups at the summer concerts"

Although he was one of those who voted a couple of years ago to cut the budget for
concerts so the Town Council looked as if it was being cautious with tax payers money.
The money saved their was wasted on something else.

Cllr Lucas mentions the flag raising or lowering, I am not sure what that has to do with the
promotion of Oakham?

All though in my deputation I did mention the council might like to set a protocol. Currently
it is only lowered when a person dies who was a fan of the old guard or the Clerk.

The last time was for a former unpopular Mayor who lived across the road from the Clerk.
He was so unpopular the local youngsters were constantly knocking his wall down.

Personally I think the Council should only lower the flag if a Councillor dies in office and not just
a few select people who served the town decades ago. so often not known by current residents.

There is also a request to grant the freedom of entry to an unknown person.
Cllr Dewis pointed out this was not possible. Cllr Lucas said it was a typo and she meant freeman of the town. I and other can not think of anyone who has done anything in Oakham to deserve such tax payers expenditure. I wonder if Cllr Lucas is to nominate her husband the mason? surely the Masons can give him something to shut her up that won't cost the tax payer a penny?

The Council gave the working group £6000 for next year.