Showing posts with label Co-option. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Co-option. Show all posts

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Democracy Oakham Town Council Style, Co-option, Rutland County Council CEO Helen Briggs, interference of the democratic process

This evening Cllrs Stubbs, Guthrie, Lowe, Woodcock, Dewis and Nowell

Held an unlawful predetermination meeting.

I have once again applied to be co-opted onto Oakham Town Council.
I don't really expect Oakham Town Council to play fair.

I turned up for this evenings meeting as I always do early and sat in the chair
outside the locked door.

Its very easy to hear conversations going on behind the door.
I was surprised to hear I was the subject of the meeting behind closed
doors, those members were predetermining the outcome of the co-option.

Cllr Dewis disagreed with some who did not even want an interview to
be held, even though the full council have approved the full process at their
last meeting "we must interview him as it will cause us less problems."

This week I receive a letter from the Clerk confirming the process.

Cllr Lowe said "we need a strategy to deal with him" and "I don't like

Cllr Stubs was giving Cllr Leane Martins opinion in her absence. He once again
said he would support me if I stopped this blog!

I won't mention the rest I heard. the conduct of theses council members is disgraceful.

The councillors are aware of what I heard and I have said "do not put me through
an interview process just to humour yourselves. Especially as I know
Cllr Lucas who has lied to the police on more than one occasion has
volunteered to sit on the panel.

These members feel it can waste my time by interviewing me and not considering
my application at full council.

Rutland County Councils Chief Executive Helen Briggs is assisting them with
this corrupt farce.

In the past Helen Briggs permitted another chance for an election to be called
after the co-option process failed.
This time she has instructed Oakham Town Council to repeat the co-option

The council appeared to be doing that before tonight's private meeting.

The reason Mrs Briggs is not permitting a election is there is a high risk
I could be elected elected unopposed.

The time wasted due to the slow co-option process, as pointed out by Rutland
County Council would be beneficial to the council because once six months
before the next election is reached they don't have to fill the vacancy.

The Action of Mrs Briggs and Oakham Town Council is an interference of the
democratic process and it stinks!

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Cllr Stan Stubbs, Cllr Dewis, Oakham Town Council, Co-option

Cllr Stan Stubbs:

Since publishing below and suggesting that Cllr Stubbs could be clone of Cllr Alf Dewis, I have learnt this is true, he is ignorant and rude and has built a relationship so close to Dewis he pratically sits on his knee like ventriloquist dummy at council meetings looking at him for approval, thats when he is not pointing to his watch and grunting like a wild animal durring public deputations.

I have put in an application to be co-opted onto the Town Council and I will have to sit an interview in front of them both!  they don't scare me, I don't expect to be co-opted it's very undemocratic and why should two bullies like Dewis and Stubbs decide who serves the people of Oakham?

Dewis licks Helen Briggs Boots Conservative CEO Rutland County Council So I can not see how I am going to get a fair chance. I am surprised they did not give the job to Lucas and Haworth!

Cllr Stubbs past shows he is not fit to decide who serves om our council, he exagerated his past on the Town Councils web site, I raised this with the Town Clerk who's family are friends of Cllr Stubbs and his family. He responded by telling me he made a few mistakes which had been corrected. I say lies!

He made mistakes on his election leaflet and his communcation with the Rutland Times.

Oakham Town Councillor, Stan Stubbs, told us days before the election via Rutland Times he had previously been an Wiltshire County Councillor?

Friday, September 06, 2013

Newly elected Oakham Town Councillor Stan Stubbs told us days before the election he had previously been an Wiltshire County Councillor.
I could find no record of this, so I contacted the Wiltshire County Council to find they don't have any records or recollection of him ever being a County Councillor.
I contacted the parish council he suddenly resigned from after causing a big stink  with the county council. That time his conduct had clearly caused his Tory friends a problem and they could hardly give him a slap on the wrist like they did previously when the standards committee found him guilty of using his position for personal gain.
The Clerk replied wanting to know if I am press?
Stan Stubbs was chairman of Newton Tony Parish Council and was Chair of the local Bourne Valley Alliance he resigned both under a cloud. 
Stan Stubbs was an independent member of the Northern Area SWAG grant review panel.


From: ######  #####
Sent: 06 September 2013 09:19To: CustomerservicesNorthCc: ######  #######Subject: RE: Wiltshire Council | Enquiry form
I have checked with Elections and within the team and unfortunately we can’t recall a Cllr Stubbs on Wiltshire County Council.

Saturday, September 07, 2013

Oakham Town Council, Lack of Openness, Democracy, Co-option, election

Oakham Town Council, Lack of Openness, Democracy, Co-option

This Wednesday Oakham Town Council will decide who they will co-opt
onto the council filling two vacant seats one has been vacant since 2010

For some reason according to the agenda they are to consider carrying out
this process in secret by excluding the public and press.

They have never done this before.

The chairman of the Council Adam Lowe said the reason is because
its a bit like a job interview and we don't want the public to know the
details of the four interested parties made public.

It also seems they no longer want the public to know about or witness
the election process.

I have put my name forward for both wards.

Maybe that is why they don't want the public present?

They would not want the public to hear why at least three members
should declare an interest and not vote.

It would not be good for the public to hear that

Cllr Joyce Lucas has made two or more stupid attempts to shut me up
by having me arrested by her friends at Oakham Police station twice, only
to have her cases thrown at by the CPS.

Then there is the councillor I can't name, who has lied to the police many times.
After I attempted to expose his arrest in January for his filthy conduct
towards me I was arrested and charge with stalking and harassing him.
The CPS have decided to not charge the serving councillor
who lies and publishes residents private correspondence on-line.

All this will of course become public knowledge at my trail later this month were I am falsely accused
of stalking and harassing him, along with a police officer (for re-tweeting and complaining about his tweets) A a member of staff from Rutland county council who does not like a few of my many thousands of
blog posts

I photographed the town councillor and ask him if he had been arrested. Then I am arrested!
I wonder if he will still be smirking and making snide comments after he is exposed in court.

Last year he was exposed along with his friend Paul Beech former
Mayor, after they both lied to police claiming I had stalked him in Tesco, CCTV is a wonderful tool.

It amazes me a person who holds a public office can no longer be held accountable
for their disgusting prolific conduct.

Chairman Cllr Adam Lowe said no one needs to declare an interest.

In 2007 Former  Mayor Paul Beech resigned due to his strong objection of co-option

Co-option is not the answer and the law needs to be changed to remove the need for
residents to acquire ten signatures to call a by election in their parish.

If it was automatically called like County Elections, then I am sure this would remove the need
for the controversial  co-option process.

If your to lazy to go out and get 10 signatures a  simple task, then maybe you are not even good enough to
be a Town Councillor. 

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Councillor J Woodcock, Oakham Town Council, Co-option

Councillor J Woodcock, Oakham Town Council, Co-option

This evening Mrs Woodcock was co-opted at a meeting of Oakham Town Council

Mrs Woodcock is known as the wife of Cllr Mark Woodcock who is now a real councillor up the road at
Rutland County Council.

Mrs Woodcock is well known at Oakham Town Council as she supported Cllr Mark Woodcock during the time he was a Town Councillor and was his consort when he was Mayor of Oakham.