Showing posts with label Conservative Leader Roger Begy Deputy Leader Terry King. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conservative Leader Roger Begy Deputy Leader Terry King. Show all posts

Friday, January 11, 2013

Conservative Leader Roger Begy & Deputy Leader Terry King, Personal Bank Accounts Scrutinised by Police

A comment posted on Oakham people by one of the few cowards connected to our local governance.
I say coward because they chose to remain anonymous but publish attacks on others they know always
in support of the local councils.

Viper one claims police looked into the personal bank accounts of Rutland County Councils Tory Leader and Deputy Leader

  • Profile image for Viperone
    All the above are not the views of everybody.

    Apart from one uncontrolled and outrageous outburst from A MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC, (who had to be ejected from the meeting) I thought the evening was kept well under control by the chair.

    I did, however, come away with the realisation that lots of questions were not answered by the three. From my personal perspective one question (or could it be two?) that I would like answered is;

    "Would the three who have caused all this cost and trauma in the first place welcome their personal and working lives being disrupted with investigations and would they relish their personal bank accounts being scrutinised by the police like that of the leader and deputy leader of Rutland County Council? I think not. AND GUESS WHAT PEOPLE - NOTHING WAS FOUND.

    With some people if the truth came and hit them is the face they wouldn't believe it.

    As Jack Nicholson said to Tom Cruise in a the film 'A Few Good Men',

    By Viperone at 10:57 on 11/01/13

    I suspect like many people a lot of accounts on Oakham People are duplicated users 
    For example former ex mayor Jim Harrison has more than one account he used to be quite vocal using 
    the name grumpyjag.

    The few people who monopolise this includes Cllr Alan Walters most of these 'Oakham People' were all members of the banned Rutland Chat Forum owned by Rutland County Council.

    If you take a look at other local people sites they are well used, unlike Oakham People. 

    All though the site claims to welcome complaints about the council, these are quickly deleted by admin.

    Many Oakham residents will not join because of the monopolization by the few original members.

    It was interesting to see their new forum hosted by the far right American has been closed down 
    after his web site was closed down in America.

    Some of his group were arrested by American Police and many forum users petitioned for a long time
    for his removal as a admin from a well know American forum.