Showing posts with label Councillor Charles Haworth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Councillor Charles Haworth. Show all posts

Friday, November 29, 2013

Councillor Charles Haworth, Inclusive Design, Rutland Chat Forum, Rutland County Council

Councillor Charles Haworth, Inclusive Design, Rutland Chat Forum, Rutland County Council

This email sent by Councillor Charles Haworth to Inclusive Design Ltd Director Ms Smith
was also sent to Former Oakham Mayor Cllr Jim Harrison. Who distributed the email to Melton Borough Council Staff, Rutland County Council Staff and members of the public.

In his email Cllr Haworth appear to be denying he is Lardboy who posted Homphobic and Anti Semitic comments on Rutland County Council Chat Forum.

Due to arrest in January 2013 and seeing his police statement in which he admits to being that user and his court appearance in the case he brought against me along with Helen Briggs Chief Executive of Rutland County Council and Sgt Wharton of  Leicestershire Police I now know he is Lardboy and so do the public thanks to the local media coverage.

Sgt Wharton was the investigating officer when the resident made complaints about Cllr Haworth's (Lardboy) anti Semitic posting about her and he did nothing. Although he did make up a false case against me some years later to support Haworth's, Lucas, Beeches and Briggs false complaints against me.

> -----Original
> Message-----
> From: Charles Haworth
> [mailto:charleshaworth@hotmail.co.uk]
> Sent: 17 December 2009
> 02:16
> To: elaine smith
> Subject: Rutland Chat
> Forum
> Dear Ms Smith
> I understand that you have made an enquiry
> concerning postings on the New Rutland Chat forum in connection with
> myself,
> Inclusive Design and #########
> Please understand that the
> contributors to forums of this kind are entirely anonymous and that
> I have
> in the last few months issued several formal denials that I am the
> author of
> some of the material that has appeared under the penname
> "Lardboy".
> It is well known that Inclusive Design have an ongoing
> issue with ######, this is primarily so because during the
> summer she
> was in the habit of uploading scans of her correspondence onto a
> flickr site
> (which has since been deleted). I was not sure you are aware of this,
> hence I attach some downloads which I luckily made on the very same
> day that
> flickr closed her account for breach of flickr rules. As you will see,
> not only has ####### posted correspondence with yourselves and
> your
> solicitors, she also posted correspondence with Rutland County Council
> officers which revealed she has been trying to claim compensation in
> the
> region of forty thousand pounds from the authority.
> I would
> also like to point out that ####### attained some notoriety
> this summer
> through some public protests against local politicians, particulary
> Alan
> Duncan MP. I have press cuttings relating to these protests if it
> should be of interest to you. In particular, on the 13 June, #####
 attended a public meeting in Oakham hosted by Alan Duncan.
> It was there she confronted Roger Begy, Leader of Rutland County
> Council in
> relation to her quest for compensation from RCC, a week or two later
> she
> confronted him again at the opening of a public lavatory. As a result
> of this meeting, ####### made a formal complaint against Mr Begy's
> response to her. This appeared in the local press. In one of the
> attached correspondence you will see that she claimed he called her a
> "prat".
> I understand that it was in connection with these public
> meetings and the press coverage that ##### obtained that she was
> mentioned on local forums. Inclusive Design was never mentioned in any
> of the material I was shown or found myself - I found myself being
> forced to
> take an interest after ##### and her associates started on me.
> To complicate matters, much material that appeared on the internet has
> vanished, having been deleted by site administrators. If you see
> anything relating to me, please let me know!
> I am in the dark as to
> why you are requiring "help to your cause" from me. Has she posted up
> something about me that I don't know about yet? Perhaps if you are
> more specific, and can explain to me how you come to know my name, I
> may be
> able to help you more, or I may know somebody who can.
> Kind
> Regards
> Charles Haworth

Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Very Slow Progress, Councillor Charles Haworth, Oakham, Rutland County Council, Conduct

Very Slow Progress, Councillor Charles Haworth, Oakham, Rutland County Council, Conduct

Do we have to go to tribunal? to remove homophobic crude bigots  like Haworth and Lucas from Oakham Town Council.

And despite the police detectives offer to deal with him and "his partners in crime, two former Mayors Beech and Harrison" that appears to have been an empty offer? 

It does not surprise me Leicestershire Police won't meet to discuss the way forward when you look at
the names involved with Haworth, those names include Inspector Monks and senior Rutland County Councillors and  a senior member of Staff.

From: monitoringofficer@Rutland.gov.uk
To: martinjbrookes@outlook.com
Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2013 10:37:12 +0000
Subject: RE: Complaint

Mr Brookes,
My apologies if you believe you have sent in more than one letter in relation to your complaint about Mr Haworth, I am only in receipt of the one that has the police statement attached, dated 24 May 2013.  Please could you provide me with copies of the other letters you are referring to?
I thought it might be useful for us to arrange a time for you to come into the Council Offices so that we can discuss the complaint about Mr Haworth and I can explain the procedure for dealing with such complaints.  Are you able to come in at ########?
Debbie Mogg  CPFA | Director of Resources (Monitoring Officer)
Rutland County Council
Catmose, Oakham, Rutland LE15 6HP
t: 01572 758358  f: 01572 720971

Coun Haworth had attacked Mr Brookes on his website Laughing Stocks and had told the trial the comments were satirical and lampooning.

However, Judge Temperley said: “I don’t agree. Some of the material goes way beyond satire. They are crude and crass and homophobic.”

The judge said based on the evidence from police in both instances, Coun Haworth’s claims were “exaggerated”.

Cllr Haworth and his supporters connected to local governance have behaved in a most disgusting way since 2008 none of them are fit to serve our community and those like 
Haworth who falsely claim they do should resign now! 

Charles get your stupid chum to stop making those disgusting phone calls!

Gay blogger threatened and branded ‘pedophile’ for challenging politicians

Martin Brookes has won a court case accusing him of harassing local political leaders, but his nightmare isn’t over
A secret gang have made life hell for a gay man who exposes wrongdoing by local politicians – by harassing him and branding him a pedophile.
Martin Brookes’ blog into local politics in Central England has uncovered embarrassing facts for his area’s local councils that have been picked up by the BBC and Private Eye, the UK satirical and investigative journalism magazine.
But rather than being thanked, he’s been hounded – sent hate mail and left anonymous phone messages threatening him. He’s even been taken to court himself, accused of stalking and harassing two council bigwigs.
Brookes, 47, moved to Oakham, the main town in the landlocked county of Rutland, in the heart of England, seven years ago.
He got involved in the online Rutland Chat Forum but says people there attacked him because he is gay.
When, in 2009 he realized some of those people were involved in the local councils, he became interested in politics.
He says he uncovered ‘small wrongdoings’ by local politicians, including his criticism they spent £60,000 ($97,000 €70,000) of council money on a private gym.
He even got a seat on Oakham Town Council twice but stood down the first time after a few months because the attacks on him became too much.
He was kicked out the second time after posting an indecent image on a council noticeboard – he said he had been sent the picture and thought it was ‘bullying’ but accepted he should not have put it up.
His approach to challenging the council, however, led to a series of hate crimes against him.
From 2010 he was sent numerous letters branding him ‘Pedophile Brookes’ with ‘disgusting, homophobic and sexually explicit’ content. He was even falsely accused of his partner’s murder.
He told Gay Star News: ‘They have called me a sponger, prostitute and a pedophile.
‘They sent me emails and messages saying things like I bet you are glad your partner was cremated after you murdered him, you are the only man in Rutland who has had sex with a dead man.’
The false claims of pedophilia were spread online too.
Brookes said: ‘The police had to come and tell my neighbors I am not a pedophile because I was challenged outside in my street by people saying we don’t want pedophiles living here.
‘The police had to go to the local youth club to tell the young men there – and one of them assaulted me – “Mr Brookes is not a pedophile”.’
But he claims police ignored the actions of the people harassing him, even throwing away hate letters left with them as evidence.
He said: ‘Over the years I reported hate crimes to local police they did nothing. One police officer suggested if I didn’t like Rutland I should consider moving.
‘I own my property here and I don’t have a job, I can’t get a job, so I can’t move. If I could move, I would. But then I think why should I?’
Then two people, Rutland County Council chief executive Helen Briggs and Oakham Town Councilor Charles Haworth accused Brookes of stalking and harassing them, the police prosecuted and he went on trial.
He was found not guilty at Leicester Magistrates Court on Monday (14 October).
District Judge John Temperley said Brookes was not harassing Briggs by repeatedly emailing and blogging about her, just using his freedom of expression.
He also accepted Brookes had phoned and texted Haworth because he was trying to find out who was attacking him on a website which had been set up anonymously by the councilor.
As the Rutland Times reports, Judge Temperley said: ‘Freedom of expression is an essential function of a democratic society. It is applicable also to those who offend and shock.
‘Some of the comment is harsh, shocking or personally offensive, but that does not mean it is criminal.’
Haworth had argued in the trial his attacks on Brookes on his Laughing Stocks website were satirical.
But Judge Temperley said: ‘I don’t agree. Some of the material goes way beyond satire. They are crude and crass and homophobic.’
And the judge said other claims made by Howarth against Brookes were ‘exaggerated’.
Now, finally, the police have approached Brookes about investigating his claims he has been harassed and threatened – though it is not clear exactly who all the anonymous messages and calls have come from.
Brookes told GSN: ‘In general, the people who live in Rutland who are not involved in politics are very nice people.
‘I have had people coming up to me in the last few days to congratulate me on my win.
‘There are good, honest people on the local councils too.
‘If you look at the people themselves doing this, they do not share one political allegiance. It is a very small core of hardened Rutlanders who will attack in a foul way.’
But despite his court win, the nightmare isn’t over. Brookes’ announcement he will seek criminal prosecution of his persecutors has been met with more anonymous phone threats – telling him to back off.
His house in Willow Crescent, Oakham is under 24-hour CCTV surveillance as the false claims he is a pedophile have made him a potential target.
He said: ‘They have ruined my life in this town. It is scary to be intimidated. Friends are scared to be seen with me. I can’t explain how much this has affected me. And you think what on earth have I done?’
- See more at: http://www.gaystarnews.com/article/gay-blogger-threatened-and-branded-%E2%80%98pedophile%E2%80%99-challenging-politicians201013#sthash.9wpWtzoI.dpuf

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Councillor Charles Haworth, New Deputy Mayor of Oakham Town Council Photographs

Councillor Charles Haworth, New Deputy Mayor of Oakham Town Council

 Councillor Charles Haworth was nominated for the role of Deputy Mayor and Chairman of Oakham Town Council by controversial  Councillor Martin Brookes and duly elected by members to serve for one year.

The Mayor Councillor Joyce Lucas placed the chain of office around his neck.