Showing posts with label Councillor Charles Haworth Oakham Town Council. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Councillor Charles Haworth Oakham Town Council. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Councillor Charles Haworth Oakham Town Council, Hey Big Spender

At tonights council meeting Councillor Charles Haworth, attempted to make a fellow councillors approve
a illegal proposal. Explaining £250 was not a lot of tax payers money. i can't imagine how he come to that
conclusion? he must have thought about it when he was collecting his JSA in his shiny VW I am also now long term unemployed and I know I can't afford to run a car on JSA let alone live. I can only assume he
a income supplement?

His proposal rejected by the Chairman Councillor Dewis who said its "illegal"

Members of the group should have the delegated power to spend from the Promotions budget without seeking approval from Council to the sum of £250 per item.

He went on to say if the group spends £100 on something now it is difficult to explain
what it is for in the future. This did not make any sense to me or anyone in the room
I would not trust him to put out the waste bin at the council let alone have the freedom 
to spend as he pleases.

From what i can work out the Clerk is authorised to spend upto £1,000 and a recent request
made by the group was refused.