Showing posts with label Couple From Oakham Richard and Jane Waddington Appear on BBC Show. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Couple From Oakham Richard and Jane Waddington Appear on BBC Show. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Pointless, Couple From Oakham Richard and Jane Waddington Appear on BBC Show

Pointless, Couple From Oakham Richard and Jane Waddington Appear on BBC Show

Yesterday saw a repeat of Richard Waddington's losing appearance on
the BBC show Pointless. First shown in 2013

Richard is a former prison officer and a active member of Rutland UKIP 

I agree with some of Richard's posts:

My Christmas message and best wishes for David Cameron. My message and best wish is. Please BUGGER OFF

Some of them I don't:

Richard John Waddington It is the same with public sector employers on a vast scale. Total corruption and mass mind manipulation on an Orwellian scale.

I don't Imagine Richard is commenting about his friends connected to Oakham TownCouncil or is he?

I find it annoying that people like Richard give me a hard time for expressing my opinion about their adored crappy town council but they can say whatever they want.

Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Richard Waddington Oakham Most Foul Audio the Joy of Being an Oakham Town Councillor

Richard Waddington Oakham Most Foul Audio the Joy of Being an Oakham Town Councillor

Warning Video Contains Offensive Language 

Today Oakham Town Council received a malicious and dishonest email from
Richard Waddington a local UKIP supporter, making a false allegation against
me. Strangely Mr Waddington says he does not know me but he felt he could
make a false allegation against me? stating a time and place. Fortunately I
can prove I was elsewhere. Just as I can prove Mr Waddington's connection to
the Old Oakham Guard. (Tyers, Beech, Harrison etc.)

At first I thought the email was not from Mr Waddington and perhaps his
name had been used with out his knowledge.

So you can imagine my surprise when Mrs Jane Waddington confirmed the email
had been sent by her husband.

Mrs Waddington kindly fetched her husband who conducted himself in
a disgusting foul manner.

The police attended because Mr Waddington was foul and very aggressive.
I don't know what his neighbours thought as the peace and quiet of the
upmarket close was shattered by his conduct. I only recorded half the incident
because I did not want my equipment damaged.

I also find it shocking that our Mayor Cllr Alf Dewis sent this man
a full apology before he had even consulted with me. Knowing full
well his complaint was not genuine.

I received the following email from the Assistant Clerk which includes
a question from the Mayor and his reply to Richard Waddington.

Dear Martin

Please see below an email from a member of public and a response from OTC.
Alf has also requested please your version of the incident and why you decided on this action?
Many thanks

Dear Sir

Thank you for your email which is of great concern to me. Councillor Brookes is a councillor of this Council but does not have the authority of the Council to instruct on its use unless you were about to damage the park, its property or interfere with other park users. 

From your explanation you indicate that your daughter was about to undertake an exercise programme with her instructor which appears to be quite acceptable. If because of the exercise she was to create the problems I indicated above then Councillor Brookes should have spoken to her and asked that she refrain from that action. It is not good enough to state that you can't do it but to explain the reasons why.

From your explanation there appears to be no apparent reason for Councillor Brookes' intervention but I will ask him for one. 

I do hope that your daughter will continue to use Cutts Close Park which we are very proud of and hope that members of the public will continue to enjoy its facilities.

Please accept my apologies for Councillor Brookes' action and I trust that this episode will not tarnish your daughter's view of the Council.