Showing posts with label Each year Oakham Town Council take thousands from us for tree maintenance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Each year Oakham Town Council take thousands from us for tree maintenance. Show all posts

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Each year Oakham Town Council take thousands from us for tree maintenance, For at least the last three years the have neglected the trees they are responsible for, Will some one have to be seriously injured or killed before Oakham Town Council do their job properly

Each year Oakham Town Council take thousands from us for tree maintenance, For at least the last three years the have neglected the trees they are responsible for. 

This week another tree has fallen in Cutts Close Oakham.

The Town Council is meant to the maintain of the trees in Cutts Close Park, Royce Recreation Ground and the Church Yard.

They budget for this work to be carried out every year. This mainly includes cutting the growth from the base of the trees. They have not done any of this work for at least three years and these trees are now blocking the footpath in church street.

As I have said before Oakham Town Council is reactive rather than proactive. 

Over five years ago they spent thousands of pounds on tree inspections and a report with recommendations was given none of those recommendation were ever acted upon, recently a town councillor told me that report has been lost.

What will it take for the Town Council to take its responsibilities seriously? 

Not long ago a branch fell by this tree almost hitting a person sitting in the park.

At the last council meeting the clerk reported, the office had received letters of complaints regarding the condition of the trees.