Election of Councillors to Parish Council Exton and Horn Parish UNCONTESTED 2023
In my opinion Parish councils are the pointless lowest level of local government.
Exton and Horn Parish Council will need to co-opt One new member.
CAMPDEN, Harry Exton Hall, Exton, Oakham, LE15 8AN
CONNOLLY, Terry (address in Rutland)
CUNDY, Lynne (address in Rutland)
GRAHAM-COOPER, Thomas Hornby Grange Farm, Exton, Oakham, Rutland,
LE15 8BN
HEALEY, David Edward John Independent
2 Stamford End, Exton, Oakham,
Rutland, LE15 8BQ
HECKELS, Kiloran Frances
2 Stamford Road, Exton, Rutland, LE15
MCNALLY, Peter Garden House, The Avenue, Exton,
Oakham, LE15 8AH
TAYLOR, Paul Jeremy
Blacksmiths Cottage, 4 Blacksmiths
Lane, Exton, Oakham, LE15 8AJ