Showing posts with label Elm Close Alotments. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elm Close Alotments. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

when are terms and conditions of a lease worthless? Oakham Town Council, Elm Close Alotments, Cllr Adam Lowe

After Oakham Town Council decided the terms and conditions of lease means nothing and agreed
to spend thousands of pounds of local tax payers for the benefit of a few once again.

I wrote to my Councillor about the expenditure, Cllr  Adam Lowe Deputy Mayor. and chair of planning  and parks.

I suggested as the council acknowledges that Elm Close Allotments  are in breach of their lease.
Why should the tax payer have to pay for their neglect.

Cllr  Lowe responded by post suggesting modern  email is no longer the correct way to communicate
with a councillor.

He also suggested I contacted an outside body such as a ombudsman. The problem is there is no
such body to oversee parish councils like this one that just spends tax payers money as if they
have won the lottery each year. The biggest disgrace of the year is that they spent a quarter of their
income setting a man up in business, the Gym on Princess Avenue.

I was not very happy with my councillors response so sent him a text message.
I asked him to think again.
I received the reply below.

Attempting to make sense of it, I believe he is saying the council can spend public money as it pleases
regardless of any lease conditions.

Elm close Allotments have since paid £450 cash, they say that is their entire bank balance.

So who is going  to pay for the new gate and the cutting of the hedges next year

Why not the tax payer, it is going  fork out another £2,000 for the private gym so they can have
a new fence.