Showing posts with label Exhibtion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Exhibtion. Show all posts

Monday, January 10, 2011

RIBA Fifty Buildings 50 years Touring Exhibition of Modern Architecture Oakham Castle

RIBA Fifty Buildings 50 years Touring Exhibition of Modern Architecture Oakham Castle

A very interesting exhibition of photographs and descriptions of 50 buildings that can be found throughout the East Midlands.

If you are lucky you may get to meet one of the architects, I met husbands and wife architects from Greetham Rutland. The lady was responsible for one of the buildings on show. A convert loo she change into a pyramid and the building became a nursery school.

Fifty buildings 50 years.
Great modern architecture in the East Midlands.

The exhibition is a major tour from the Royal Institute of British Architects and showcases innovative and enduring architecture from the 'swinging sixties' onwards, revealing how architectural creativity is shaped by context, place, culture, social and political trends of the time and in turn, shapes the identity of local places and spaces.

There are much loved modern classics, buildings of character and wit, leaders in innovation and some of the latest in contemporary architectural design.

All the buildings can also be seen in a book published by the RIBA www.architecture.com/fifty50


3 - 24 January 2011  Rutland County Museum, Oakham Castle, Catmose Street, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6HW
T: 01572 758440

31 January - 11 February 2011

Nottingham Trent University

Newton Building, Goldsmith Street, Nottingham, NG1 4BU
Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm

East Midlands Designer Outlet

14 February -  11 March 2011          
East Midlands Designer Outlet, Mansfield Road,
South Normanton, Derbyshire, DE55 2JW

School of Architecture University of Lincoln

14 - 25 March 2011       
Lincoln School of Architecture, Gallery Space,
University of Lincoln, Brayford Pool, Lincoln, LN6 7TS

Highcross Shopping Centre, Leicester 

28 March -  3 April 2011        
Highcross Shopping Centre,
Lower Mall, East Square, 5 Shires Lane, Leicester, LE1 4AN

Derby QUAD

4 – 9 April 2011         Derby QUAD,
Market Place,
Cathedral Quarter,
Derby, DE1 3AS
T: 01332 285443 www.derbyquad.co.uk

RIBA East Midlands
Art, Architecture and Design
University of Lincoln
Brayford Pool

t: 01522 837 480

f: 01522 837 484
