Showing posts with label Expenditure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Expenditure. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Oakham Town Clerks, Expenditure, Royce Recreation Ground, Oakham

Oakham Town Clerks, Expenditure, Royce Recreation Ground, Oakham

The Clerk decided to spend £2756.97 at a meeting Cllr Joyce Lucas who if I remember correctly
was suffering from a head ache, shout out "waste of money"

I agree with her.

Has anyone seen how many benches there are at the edge of the recreation ground. It's almost
getting as bad as Cutts Close.

Does the Clerk have shares in Broxap?

Concrete for two new benches, G and R Greg £461.37 no VAT

2 Benches, Broxap £1,080.00 including VAT

4 Dog waste bins £802.80 including VAT strangely dog waste bins were removed from cuts
close deemed to expensive and unnecessary, because Cory don't sort waste from litter bins
deemed to costly dog waste bagged can be put in normal litter bins, not very green when you
consider the amount of recyclable waste is placed into the bins. Paper and cans

3 small welcome signs, Barker Signs £412.80

The Clerk was paid £2,118.49 in December 2012 Considerable value for money.

The Assistant Clerk was paid £715.59 in December 2012

Oakham Mayor, Alf Dewis, Christmas Card, Expenditure

Oakham Mayor Christmas Cards

Oakham Mayor Cllr Alfred Dewis spends £42.01 + postage of public money sending Christmas Cards

The Cards were purchased from the Oakham Art Group.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Oakham Cemetery, Rutland County Council, Can Not Provide Income or Expenditure

Oakham Cemetery, Rutland County Council, Can Not Provide Income or Expenditure

It was reported to Oakham Town Council that Rutland County Council can not provide
any information relating to the income or expenditure for the towns cemetery.

Cllr Guthrie and Cllr Lowe both represent the council on this committee made up of Councillors and
staff from Rutland County Council.

The council said they could not provide the information due t the councils new accounting system?

The committee has not met since March 2010 so this could explain the poor state of the cemetery.

Vale who are the contractor for the cemetery upkeep blame the poor weather for failing to to cut the
grass every two weeks.

I find that a poor excuse when it comes to the weed filled paths.

Rutland County Council is expecting Oakham Town Council to take over the responsibility of the cemetery.

I was pleased to hear Cllr Guthrie making recommendations that this should not happen if the the council
was not going to hand it over in a good condition.

I would have added the lack of transparency regarding the finances was an issue.

If the Town Council is to take over the upkeep how will this be funded?

Will fees for burial be passed to the Town Council to cover the costs?