Showing posts with label Financial Regulations Etc. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Financial Regulations Etc. Show all posts

Friday, June 07, 2019

Oakham Town Council Internal Audit Published Documents, Policy's and Standing Orders, Financial Regulations Etc,

Oakham Town Council Published Documents, Policy's and Standing Orders, Financial Regulations Etc, 

The internal auditor has finally picked up on another Oakham Town Council failure which I pointed out when I was a member of the council.

Michael Haley even said at the time there was not a NALC financial regulations model the town council could use.

I hope the new council will take notice of the internal auditors comments shown below.

That the Council considers
introducing a Model
Publication Scheme (as per the
NALC model).

2 (OFI) Draft document prepared by
Clerk, to be presented to the
Council asap.

From the dates Alf Dewis, Adam Lowe and Michael Haley were the chairman of the council
all the published documents have been meddled with to suit their needs at the time and none look
like an official council document.

The current standing orders contain changes made when Adam Lowe was chairman and contain
at least one unlawful sanction which the old council feel they could impose upon any member they chose, despite previous court cases and guidance given to all councils that they can not sanction members.