Showing posts with label Fools Gold. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fools Gold. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Oakham Town Council Agrees To Purchase all New regalia Mayors, Deputy and Consorts Chains, Fools Gold

Oakham Town Council Agrees To Purchase all New regalia Mayors, Deputy and Consorts Chains, Fools Gold!

Oakham Town Council for many years has added links to a gold chain each link has the
name of a former Mayor inscribed upon it.

Over the years the chain has become quite long and heavy and is frequently damaged.

So I have not problem with this chain being put into retirement and something
modest being purchased although we were told that would cost around £2000.

I was suggested all the chains are replaced. I believe it is because the others
are not seen a substantial as they are more like small necklaces with pendants.

The purchase of regalia was the cause of the downfall of Letchworth Town Council
and there precept was only around £60,000 a year.

Oakham Town Council has a precept set at around £220,000 and no residents
appear to mind how the town council wastes taxpayers  money on such luxury items.

All this on the evening Leicestershire Fire and Rescue have told 12 fireman here in
Oakham they no longer have jobs due to cuts.

Oakham Town Council what are you playing at!