Showing posts with label For officers to sue UKIP three for deformation.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label For officers to sue UKIP three for deformation.. Show all posts

Monday, July 29, 2013

Rutland County Council, Issue Blank Cheque, For officers to sue UKIP three for defamation.

                            Carol Chambers Assistant Chief Executive (Cost £90,000 a year)

Rutland  County Council, Issue Blank Cheque, For officers to sue UKIP three for defamation.

For Rutland County there is only one way of doing it, the wrong way.

This evening Rutland County Council voted to indemnify officers to take legal action against three of its own members.

A member of the public asked six questions and gave a deputation taking the full 30 minutes

One question they asked how many officers were planning to sue. The council responded only one
the others may be to scared to speak out.

The issue of costs and bankruptcy of the council was raised, the council's monitoring officer Helen Edwards responded by pointing out the council has £8 million of public money in reserves. Apparently the council has debts of around £21 -£25 million.

Costs of legal action against UKIP councillors Gale, Wainwright and Richardson are estimated at £150,000. Concerns were raised by some councillors.

Gene Plews (Independent)  

ex Tory Gene Plews refused to vote and Independent Cllr Alan Walters voted against legal action.

Tory Leader Roger Begy demands UKIP Cllrs "Apologise or produce evidence to prove your accusations"

David Richardson  UKIP Logo   Richard J Gale  UKIP Logo  arriving.

UKIP, Cllrs Richard Gale and Richardson attended the start of the meeting and walked out after ten minutes.
Cllr Wainwright did not turn up.

I wonder if any one will challenge the legality of this expenditure of public money, it most certainly is not value for money.

The meeting was chaired by the deputy chair Tory Edward Baines.

Kenneth A Bool   Conservative Party Logo          Mark Woodcock (Independent)
Gale Waller (Liberal Democrat)

Ex Tory Councillor Peter Jones, chatting with 
Tory Leader Roger Begy after meeting

Ex Tory Councillor Peter Jones lost his seat 2011 to UKIP
Cllr Richardson, The Tory Mob broke many election rules
at the count in a desperate bid to help the former councillor
keep his seat.

Oakham Town Councillor Joyce Lucas with Chris A Parsons Conservative Party Logo 

(left to right) Mark Woodcock (Independent)      David Hollis Conservative Party Logo 
Martyn Pocock (he set up a contract with a dodgy recycling company dumped by ASDA due to its one of it directors international criminal activities)  Conservative Party Logo 
Jeffrey T Dale (Independent) 

Cllr Alan Walters (Ind) (Red Tie) Changed his vote and 
voted against legal action.

The media present were, they may be worth following for updates

Aaron Frank

Aaron Frank


Reporter at the Rutland & Stamford Mercury, Rutland Times & The Local. Views expressed are my own. Got a story? E-mail aaron.frank@jpress.co.uk

Amy Grace Nagy

Amy Grace Nagy


Lincs FM Newsreader and Reporter. Likes gin and dancing and your stories. My views only.




Political Reporter, BBC Leicester.