Showing posts with label Former Oakham Mayor Paul Beech Requests Help to start the juices flowing.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Former Oakham Mayor Paul Beech Requests Help to start the juices flowing.. Show all posts

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Former Oakham Mayor Paul Beech Requests Help to start the juices flowing.

Former  Oakham Mayor Paul Beech Requests Help to get the juices flowing.

My reply:

Dear Mr Beech

Many congratulations on this wonderful initiative.

I have many friends in her Majesty's forces and
wonder how you are intending to incorporate the
LGBT interest in this event.

I realise this is not your area of expertise so
if there is anything I can do to assist you
with promoting LGBT interest at this event
I would be more than happy to do so.

Let's get those juices flowing for everyone,
during the British Pride Season. And prove
Rutland can be a truly inclusive county.
Best wishes from

Cllr Martin Brookes