Showing posts with label Former Leicestershire PC Nikki Maylon breached honesty and integrity and discreditable conduct.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Former Leicestershire PC Nikki Maylon breached honesty and integrity and discreditable conduct.. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Former Leicestershire PC Nikki Maylon breached honesty and integrity and discreditable conduct.

Former Leicestershire PC Nikki Maylon breached honesty and integrity and discreditable conduct.

09/01/2019 A former police constable was subject to a gross misconduct hearing.

It was found that, if Nikki Maylon was still an officer with the force, he would have been dismissed without notice for breaching the standards of professional behaviour.

It was alleged that he breached honesty and integrity; discreditable conduct; and authority, respect and courtesy.

It was found that he had breached honesty and integrity and discreditable conduct.

Mr Maylon had served in Leicestershire Police for 10 years 5 of those as a special constable.