Showing posts with label Former Rutland County Councillor Richard Alderman Shouts in Public are you going to update your blog now I have been found not guilty?. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Former Rutland County Councillor Richard Alderman Shouts in Public are you going to update your blog now I have been found not guilty?. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Former Rutland County Councillor Richard Alderman Shouts in Public are you going to update your blog now I have been found not guilty?

Former Rutland County Councillor Richard Alderman Shouts in Public are you going to update your blog now I have been found not guilty?

Firstly Mr Alderman you know I would speak to you in an appropriate place, that appropriate does not include where you shouted at me the other day, please don't shout in public when you know I can not respond.

I have always treated you fairly when posting, in most cases repeating published news or statements
published by Rutland County Council. Do you approach and attack the Rutland Times reporter or Rutland County Council in the same poor manner?

I have even pointed out how I feel Rutland County Council treated you unfairly as a elected  councillor. I wrote written to the CEO, Leader and Chairman pointing this out. One of the things I pointed out to them was their failure to promptly put your contact details on the council website. I also explained that many councils sadly have elected member who hold far right opinions or belong to parties that hold those opinions similar to yours and those council don't obstruct those members That does not mean I supported the actions you were convicted and currently tagged for.

I have not appreciated your intimidation or the threats sent to me from a family member of yours
for simply publishing the facts since you were elected.

When you shouted  at me to update my blog you shouted a false statement, 'now I have not been found not guilty, as all know Rutland County Council did not think before they acted or should I say the leader failed. Your Facebook posts that saw you convicted of a crime were all but one posted before you were elected. You may be interested to know both Oakham Town Council and Rutland County Council did this to me some ten years ago when I first became a town councillor my blog posts were just critical and not unlawful like your Facebook posts, they have not changed much over the last ten years neither council can accept criticism. Finally you were found to have been racist in one about Dianne Abbot when you posted that as a elected member. so that is hardly not guilty.

If you had waited and exercised some basic manners I would not felt the need to post the above.
I was preparing a post about the recent letter published in the Rutland Times from former Rutland County Councillor Gene Plews, a dreadful man who used to attack me and who was found guilty before he lost his seat by the conduct committee for abusing his public email service.
The post would have pointed out how I tended to agree with Mr Plews and a copy of my communication I sent to Rutland County Council would have been published.

Will you be standing for a far right party at the May Election?

Now I will just publish Mr Plews letter below.