Showing posts with label Former Town Clerk Benjamin Tassell still costing Oakham Tax Payers Money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Former Town Clerk Benjamin Tassell still costing Oakham Tax Payers Money. Show all posts

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Former Town Clerk Benjamin Tassell still costing Oakham Tax Payers Money

Former Town Clerk Benjamin Tassell still costing Oakham Tax Payers Money

Oakham Town Councils Clerk departed earlier this month after an accountants report highlighted failures with accounting for public money this included missing petty cash.

After the clerks departure the council had difficulty accessing the council accounts and computers, eventually passwords were given to the council.

The Clerk has failed to return his set of keys for the council offices and approval is be sort at the next council meeting to change the locks. I hope the bill is sent to the former clerk, Although I guess he won't pay. 

Oakham Town Council will be considering if they should pay his final months pay this week. Cllr Adam Lowe report to council they can't with hold payment simply because he refuses to return the keys.