Showing posts with label Freedom of Entry to Oakham. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Freedom of Entry to Oakham. Show all posts

Friday, September 19, 2014

Freedom of Entry to Oakham

Freedom of Entry to Oakham

On Sunday 21st September 2014 Oakham Town Council will be granting the Freedom of Entry to Oakham to 504 Squadron (County of Nottingham) Royal Auxiliary Air Force.
A Service will be held at All Saints Church commencing at 2.00pm and this is open to members of the public.

This will be followed at approximately 3.00pm by a parade and inspection in the Market Place when the granting of the Freedom of Entry to Oakham will be formally conferred on 504 Squadron by the Mayor of Oakham, Cllr Mrs Jayne Woodcock. After the inspection the parade will march off at approximately 3.45pm, led by the Band of No. 5F (Northampton) Squadron Air Training Corps.
The march through Oakham will go down Catmos St. turn right into South Street and then right again on to Mill Street. It will then turn left onto High Street. The saluting dais will be at the junction of Church Street and High Street and the salute will be taken by the Lord Lieutenant of Rutland, Air Vice Marshal Lord Beaverbrook and the Mayor of Oakham.

The march will then continue along High Street before wheeling right just before the railway crossing and back down Northgate.

It will then turn right into Church Street and parade personnel will be dismissed close to the west entrance of the Victoria Hall.

Road closures will be in force during the course of the march and members of the public are also advised that the Market Place will be closed to traffic from 8.00am on Sunday morning.
There will also be no parking on Church Street from its junction with Station Road to Northgate. However, the Church Street Car Park will still be accessible via Station Road.
Oakham Town Council is honoured to present the Freedom of Entry to Oakham to 504 Squadron and would also like the community of Oakham to show its support on the day.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

16 Regiment Royal Artillery, Oakham Town Council, St George's Barracks, Freedom of Entry to Oakham

Oakham Town Council, St George's Barracks, Freedom of Entry to Oakham

Last night Oakham Town Council ensured it continued its tradition of enjoying free hospitality
from the armed forces.

After the closure of RAF Cottesmore Oakham's Mayor found there was less purpose for him
and less invitations to attend forces events.

So he came up with the idea to grant the Freedom of Entry to St George's Barrack's

This comes as a cost to the local tax payers of around £2,200

The Mayor pointed out the cost of the reception for councillor and officers from the base
will be paid for by the base.

Six  Councillors decided the expenditure was reasonable in accordance to section 249(6) of the
Local Government act 1972 as amended by the local democracy, economic development and
construction act 2009

I don't think it is reasonable and speaking to local people they don't see little or any connection
to the barracks or its personal of the North Luthenham base.

I have no objection to the council acknowledging the work of the army.

My personal view of this is Cllr Alf Dewis has only pushed this through to gain favour from
a group of local thuggish bullies who's conduct I believe bears no resemblance of the modern
day British Army.

Conservative Cllr Gene Plews and former Mayors Beech and Harrison often enjoy the hospitality
of the base scoffing curry and beer in the officers mess for charity. Possibly they should be funding
this honour for the base.

The 6 Councillors decided the following:

"in due consideration of the long standing association of over 70 years between 
the military base of North Luffenham and the Town of Oakham and the service
that members of the armed forces located at that base have performed both for 
their country and the Town of Oakham that Oakham Town council is both
pleased and proud to grant the honour of Freedom of entry to the Town to St.
George's Barracks".

There will be church service on St George's Day Tuesday 23 April 2013 at All Saints Church

followed by a parade through the town with drums beating, bands playing, colours flying and
bayonets fixed.

the 16th Regiment Royal Artillery will form up outside the church following the service and inspected by the Lord Lieutenant. the Freedom will then be rad from the scroll for the public and soldiers to hear and
the scroll presented.

The parade will march up Northgate along Melton Road and down High Street where the Lor Lieutenant
will take the salute.

On completion of the march past the parade falls out in Market Street and returns to St George's Barracks

Official guest then proceed independently to St. Georges Barracks for a reception hosted by the Regiment.

Today's Blog post about the Freedom of St Georges Barracks

prompted a message from Former Oakham Mayor Jim Harrsion.

From the message below you will see Mr Harrison shows his true colours.

It would seem just because I mistakenly assumed  Mr Harrison was a guest when he attends the Barracks and photographed events at which his friends attended as guests, he feels he can correspond with me calling me a scum bag and threatening me.

Facebook messages today: 

Jim Harrison. For your information I have never been invited to eat anything at St Georges Barracks nor have I ever been there as a guest. 

Get your information correct before making comments about me. Put that on your blog you lying scumbag. 

I am sick and tired of your slurs and comments about me and now it is time for action and the sooner the better. 

Now run off to the police station and report me for this.

Jim Harrison You don't even know me nor what I am like.It has taken a lot of lies from you to get me mad, I have had enough, be warned, I have stayed quiet for long enough, you know absolutely nothing about me or my character nor ever will. Now run off to the police station and tell them that as well