Showing posts with label Helping Leicestershire Police Cash in on 101. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Helping Leicestershire Police Cash in on 101. Show all posts

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Inspector Mystry LPU Commander, Helping Leicestershire Police Cash in on 101

Inspector Mystry LPU Commander, Helping Leicestershire Police Cash in on 101

Leicestershire Police invite people to report low level crime on-line or to call 101
It is still possible to call the old number and not be charged by your provider,

Leicestershire Police is hell bent on making money out of victims of crime by enforcing the
use of the premium rate service 101. When this was first trialled it was introduce as an alternative
not a cash generating service.

You will notice it is now not possible to report a crime in Oakham or Rutland at the police station
the Inspector demands we use 101

This morning I visited Oakham police station and was told "get on with it, because I am eating my lunch!"

If you work for Leicestershire Police it appears you can munch your lunch whilst being paid to tell people
who visit call 101.

Then you can close the police station at lunch time and take a one hour  lunch break?

We have an Inspector at  Melton who set a auto reply when away, stating he will delete emails on his return because it is highly likely he will not have time to read them.

When you have bosses like these it's no surprise some of the lower ranking officers cant be bothered.

To: 'martinjbrookes@outlook.com'
Picture of Kemp Jacqueline
Good Morning Mr Brookes
Please be advised that if you wish to report a crime it should be done by ring 101.
Jacki Kemp
Support Administrator
Keyham Lane - Mon - Wed 08:30 - 13:30
Oakham - Thurs - Frid 08:30 - 13:30
mail to:jacki.kemp@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Switchboard +44 0 116 2222222
Ext. No. 4736  and 5773 VM No. 7701
Fax +44 0 116 248 4727
-----Original Message-----
From: Mistry Kamlesh 
Sent: 09 October 2012 17:32
To: Kemp Jacqueline
Subject: NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED:- RE: For the attention of City Centre LPU
Hi Jacki
Any crimes should be reported on 101
-----Original Message-----
From: Kemp Jacqueline 
Sent: 08 October 2012 10:08
To: Mistry Kamlesh
Subject: FW: NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED:- FW: For the attention of City Centre LPU
Morning Kam
Mr Brookes would like to report a crime - should it go through on 101?
Jacki Kemp
Support Administrator - 7701
Keyham Lane - Monday - Wednesday ext 5773 Oakham - Thursday - Friday ext 4736
-----Original Message-----
From: Central LPU 
Sent: 05 October 2012 13:51
To: Kemp Jacqueline
Subject: NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED:- FW: For the attention of City Centre LPU
Hi Jackie
Sorry this came to us but is on Oakham area.
Loz Wheldale
LPU Administrator
Mansfield House
Tel: 0116 2222222
Ext 6640
-----Original Message-----
From: leicspolice@rkh.co.uk [mailto:leicspolice@rkh.co.uk] 
Sent: 05 October 2012 11:41
To: Central LPU
Subject: For the attention of City Centre LPU
A visitor to the Leicestershire Police web site left a message.