Showing posts with label Homophobia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Homophobia. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Adam Lowe Oakham Deputy Mayor Accused of Dishonesty, Bullying, Homophobia, Racism by former Travis Perkins Employee

Adam Lowe Oakham Deputy Mayor Accused of Dishonesty, Bullying, Homophobia, Racism by former Travis Perkins Employee

Recently I have been receiving communications from a now former Travis Perkins

Cllr Adam Lowe is aware of this correspondence and allegations and is very
dismissive of their author even suggesting he is contacting the police.
Fortunately for the former employee Leicestershire Police don't appear
to be currently as corrupt as they have been in the past.

In previous communications the former staff member tells me how Cllr Adam
Lowe spends a lot of company time on the phone talking to fellow town councillors
about me and often not very complimentary and I guess what can only be described
as planning their next move against me.

In the past Cllr Lowe has abused Travis Perkins Computers by using them as
a part of the town council harassment against me. This was reported to Leicestershire
Police and resulted in Cllr Lowe resigning as a special constable from the force.
He was given the back door route out rather than face the disciplinary route.

Below is content from the past employee's most recent email. I have removed
their name. I understand the former employee is a former manager with a long
period of service with Travis Perkins and all was fine before he started working
with Adam Lowe.

Hi Martin,

I've just read you blog for the fourth time in two months and find the content about your local councillors very disturbing.

Let me tell you why I left my position at work after witnessing bullying and harassment at work.

Firstly your ex lord mayor and ex police constable. Bragged about obtaining and buying brand new returns for British gas Engineers whilst he was a security officer at British gas and that his shed 
at home was full of said items. Is this not receiving stolen goods?

I bet he wouldn't advertise that fact on Facebook.

Against company regulations paid for a customers goods at stamford branch with his own credit card.

On a company visit by head of security ( Mrs Patel ) Her comes the paky loving bitch. Nice!!!

On buying my first new car, to be called, A rich cunt. Nice!!! I think Oakham maybe full of these? 

Watching a college Having a large box of waste paper tipped over his head, followed by the front of a printer being kicked off.

Threatened an IT consultant for sitting in his chair. Over hearing outbursts about yourself being gay etc etc.

The final straw and why I left my job, To be told to get the fuck out there and do the job your paid for. I handed my notice in after complaining to HR.

This is your ex mayor… untouchable???

Horrible Man

I cannot sit by and watch whilst these type of people are involved in running office.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Institutional Racism, Homophobia, Berridge Taxis, Leicestershire Police, Rutland County Council, Oakham Town Council ?

Looking at the facebook profile for Berridges Taxi Driver Mr Jarps

Formally a car dealer and owner of Kevin's Taxis Heron Drive Oakham.

The post content and the list of Family and Friends ie The Batty, Burton and Harrison Families (Lisa Batty Oakham in Bloom, Harrison  ex Oakham Mayor)

His current Location Casterton

I wonder if this person could be @oakytaxidriver

Or is it a requirement here in Oakham Rutland that all Taxi Drivers are Racists and Homophobic bullies?

Ex Mayor Mr Harrsion has for some time worked for Berridge Taxis and his conduct towards me
over the years has not been much better.

The possibly police connection in this case of hate against me and others.

PC King of Leicestershire Constabulary is like Mr Jarps ex RAF

PC King lives not far from Mr Jarps

PC Kings partner employed Mr Jarps daughter here in Oakham, that business has now closed
leaving PC King's wife with debt and a lease she does not want.

Could this be why Leicestershire Police have now arrested a person for hate crimes they
have committed against me and others?

below is a typical post by made by the Berridge Taxi Driver

What I find more shocking is how wide spread this type of
conduct seems to be seen as acceptable throughout our forces
Peter Sands who replies is also ex RAF its rather shocking.

all those connected to our local governance who are in
my view know different, wear the same badge.

Personally I never went further than the ATC but I am sure
this type of behaviour was not tolerated in the RAF,

My father and grandfather never behaved in this way.

Of course the Army Cadets were known to often
describe the ATC as sissy, so I can understand this type of behaviour
when I meet an ex army person, like my Councillor Plews and Ex Oakham

Just crashed into a paki after he pulled out on me in Leicester. Now i'm off the road till the insurance replace my car.