Showing posts with label How Much Longer Will This Council Continue To Ignore Laws. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How Much Longer Will This Council Continue To Ignore Laws. Show all posts

Thursday, February 05, 2015

Oakham Town Council, Fail To Notify Council Vacancies, How Much Longer Will This Council Continue To Ignore Laws

Oakham Town Council, Fail To Notify Council Vacancies, How Much Longer Will This Council Continue To Ignore Laws

Oakham Town Council is an utter disgrace and constantly thinks laws don't apply to them.
Over the years since the clerk told me "English law does not apply to Oakham Town Council
It's like a football club if you don't like it get out!" This has been proved time and time again.

The problem is no one will enforce the laws and Oakham Town Council are fully
aware of that.

After two recent resignations the council failed to comply with the law and did not officially
announce the vacancies within the required legal time frame.

They have now received advice from The National Association of Councils
who say in conclusion:

I would not advise the Council to co-opt in these circumstances, The Council should not 
leave itself open to allegations that it is not acting transparently.

If it was not a serious matter, I would laugh at that last comment. Oakham Town is not

They recently ignored correct procedure and co-opted a new member unlawfully.
A repeat of the 2013 co-options. After that happening  Mayor Jayne Woodcock said
it would not happen again.

Only the other week they did not follow standing orders when they appointed
a new Planning and Parks Chairman.

It is time the dishonest Clerk, Chairman Jayne Woodcock and Deputy Alf Dewis

They all continually bring the council into disrepute every time they ignore local
government law.