Showing posts with label How Oakham Town Council Wastes Your Money Freedom of Entry and Catering The Council's Answer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How Oakham Town Council Wastes Your Money Freedom of Entry and Catering The Council's Answer. Show all posts

Saturday, September 12, 2015

How Oakham Town Council Wastes Your Money Freedom of Entry and Catering The Council's Answer

The last freedom of costs went over budget. costly food which saw a lot wasted
was part of that overspend.

The event was poorly attended and our deputy Mayor Adam Lowe recognised
when speaking to the Rutland Times.

I asked the question below, the answer given formally at this week's council meeting shows the council does not always obtain proper quotes or issue purchase orders.

That is about to change as members agreed new financial controls following
the recommendations of Streets Accountants.


One question was asked by Cllr Martin Brookes

At the last meeting I asked a question relating to expenditure above the amount the Clerk can currently authorise.

Despite being told I would receive an answer outside the meeting I have not received an answer, therefore I ask the following question:

Who authorised and incurred the expense of over £1000 for Tea, Sandwiches and cake for the Freedom of Entry reception which were mainly wasted?

The answer without discussion was:

An invoice for £1051.60 was received from Andy Peaple Catering Services for food at the Freedom of Entry event held on Sunday 14 June 2015.

A verbal quote for catering was obtained by the Assistant Clerk for £750 (£3.75 per head for 200 people) in April 2015.

However, the final invoice for £1051.60 included additional costs of £301.60 for extra staff given the additional amount of people that the supplier was informed would be attending and also extra equipment as the venue (Rutland County Museum) was not able to supply this. Unfortunately, although this was discussed the cost was not specified by the supplier and took the total of the invoice to £1051.60

The cheque was signed by Cllrs Adam Lowe and Stan Stubbs