Showing posts with label Improving Access to Healthcare in Rutland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Improving Access to Healthcare in Rutland. Show all posts

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Improving Access to Healthcare in Rutland, A Progress Report was presented to Rutland County Council (Video)

Improving Access to Healthcare in Rutland

Rutland County Council received an encouraging update at its recent meeting from the Leicestershire, Leicester & Rutland Health Scrutiny Committee representative on the progress being made to enhance healthcare services in the region.

Key improvements highlighted in the report included:

Increased GP appointments: The number of appointments available has grown by 17.4% in the past year, thanks to initiatives like Pharmacy First which has expanded prescribing capacity.

Enhanced GP services: Phase 2 improvements for 2024/25 focus on increased recruitment, workforce retention, training, IT systems, and service commissioning.

Improved GP website access: Standardisation across LLR has led to increased website usability.

Expanding Pharmacy First: Prescribing powers and pharmacist training are being expanded to further enhance service capacity.

Improved dental access: Access to NHS dental services across LLR is improving, with a new NHS contract for Rutland expected to be finalised soon.

Targeted dental care: Initiatives are underway to improve access for children, particularly those in deprived areas, through more flexible services, preventative work, and cross-border referrals.

While progress has been made, the report also acknowledged ongoing challenges such as:

Shortage of dentists: The availability of trained dentists remains a significant issue.

Under-utilisation of out-of-hours dental care: Efforts are underway to address this.

Limited NHS contract terms: The willingness of dentists to work in the NHS on current contract terms remains a concern.

Overall, the report provided a positive outlook on the future of healthcare in Rutland. The ongoing efforts to improve access to GP and dental services are expected to have a significant impact on the well-being of residents.